Maximise your business potential with effective document management

April 26, 10:00-11:30

Target audience:
The representatives of the SMEs dealing with a relatively large amount of documents and long, complicated processes. If you find yourself constantly sending documents via email, registering them in different systems, and storing them across various platforms such as Google Drive or MS SharePoint, only to end up spending a significant amount of time searching for "missing" documents at the end of the year – you should not skip this webinar.

Some words about the topic:
Many organizations struggle with managing their documents effectively and are dealing with inconsistent, time-consuming processes and errors. Digitalizing document management not only reduces paper usage in the office but also improves work processes, increases employee productivity, reduces costs, and enables organizations to have better control over their tasks. This webinar is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the digitalization of document management, featuring real-life examples of the best practices used across the Baltics.

The workshop will cover the following points:
- Debunking myths and understanding modern document management practices.
- Identifying common challenges and the price organizations pay by sticking to the old document management practices.
- Determining the right time and outlining the process of finding and implementing a suitable document management system (DMS).
- Highlighting real-life examples of companies that have achieved success through the implementation of digital document management solutions.

Participants benefits from the webinar:
By attending this webinar, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance of effective document management and how it can transform their businesses. They will learn about the common challenges organisations face due to poor document management and how to overcome them by adopting a suitable document management solution.

Webinar will be hosted by:
Ernestas Rusevičius is the Business Development Manager at DocLogix. He is an expert in document digitization and has helped over 100 private and public institutions across the Baltics to simplify their processes, automate routine tasks, and increase operational efficiency. The experience of these organizations has proven that effective document management has a significant impact on business.
Webinar is available only for LCCI members
Information and link will be sent prior to the webinar 

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