Dear Respondent,

We invite you to participate in the “Social Resilience in Urban Neighbourhoods Across Europe” online survey.

This survey is carried out within the framework of the international project Erasmus+ Urban Planning for Social Resilience in Urban Neighbourhoods. Transformative Change through Civic Engagement project (UPRUN).

The aim of UPRUN project is to provide future planners and other built environment professionals with an understanding of neighbourhood resilience (the ability to cope with difficulties of any kind). Your answers are considered as a very valuable input for defining the key topical needs and perspectives as regards spatial component of neighborhood resilience. Your experience and opinion will help us to process this important topic more successfully, and to formulate solutions for the built environment that are realistic, relevant and applicable. Therefore, we thank you very much for your sincere and thoughtful answers. The duration of the survey 15 – 20 min.

The survey is not anonymous, however in all cases, your answers will be analyzed only in summary and not partially. If you decide that you do not want to participate in the study, you can stop the questionnaire at any time; then, your answers will not be used in the study.

Any processing of data in Google Forms involves the transfer of data to a third party (Google LLC) outside the territorial boundaries of the EU, and Google will process this data in accordance with its privacy policy:

If you agree to participate in the study, please start answering the questions.

Thank you in advance for your patience and time.

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1.1. Please mark which age group you belong to.

1.2. Please mark your gender.
1.3. Please mark the latest achieved level of your education.
1.4. What is your current professional role?
1.4.1. If you chose other, please specify.
1.5. What is your place of residence (country)?
1.5.1. If you chose other, please specify.
1.6. What is the type of settlement in which you live?
1.6.1. If you chose other, please specify.
1.7. For how many years have you lived in this settlement?
1.8. What is the type of residential unit in which you live?
1.8.1. If you chose other, please specify.
1.9. Do you belong to any community? If yes, please mark 
1.9.1. If you chose other, please specify.
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