Volunteer Application Form
Hi!  We've been so overwhelmed with all of your offers of love, support and assistance! We really can't thank you enough.  

We've set up this form to help us get organized, if you're interested in assisting us please fill out the form below.  This story has taken so many unexpected twists and turns, and there have been countless occasions where we've been able to make great progress thanks to  a quick conversation with someone generous enough to volunteer their expertise in an area we just know absolutely nothing about.

 Things are moving extremely quickly at the moment, but this has generally been a very slow process of discovery and it's impossible to predict what kind of help we might benefit from in the future, or when we might need it.  If you're interested in helping, please fill out this form with a little bit of information about what sort of help you might be able to provide.  

Thank you so much for all of your support,  whenever we're stumped we'll check this list for help!

For all other requests:

Messages of support and general discussion:  Please post them in the Official Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/454252571596239/

The private facebook group is paused until we've caught up on urgent matters, we hope to have it back to it's pre-Keeper's release state soon.

If you have a tip for the team please submit it through the form on whokilledsistercathy.org

If you feel like you or someone you know may benefit from some extra support, please please don't hesitate to reach out to any the resources mentioned on thekeepersimpact.com, they are expecting your calls and are happy to help.

If you would like to report abuse:  
In Baltimore City (this includes Keough,) please contact Det/Sgt Brian Bowen

For abuse that occurred in Baltimore County, call
410-887-8991 and ask for the sex crimes office."

In other areas please contact your local police department.

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Name *
First and Last Name
Phone number *
Address (Optional) *
Professional Services/Expertise - please describe below *
Online Research - things like searching online property records *
In Person Research - things like going to local archives or govt records offices *
In Person Research - personal contacts who might have information (if you already have info submit it to the tip line at whokilledsistercathy.com) *
Calling people *
Emailing people *
Please tell us more about what kind of assistance you're interested in offering.
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