Islington Black Business Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you are completing this survey on a mobile device, please turn your device to landscape to see all of the options.

By registering on our free directory you will join over 1,500 Black owned businesses that can be easily discovered  on our local business map which is in partnership with Google. Please visit our website to find out more.

If you are a business that is not from Islington, but would still like to help us discover more about your business experiences, please send an email to

Please note that all information below will be held by Black Pound Day Ltd. This information will be shared with Islington Council. If you wish to be removed from our database at a later date, please send an email to with the subject header 'Data removal'. Your data will not be shared with any third parties. For further information on our data privacy practices, please visit our privacy policy at

This survey will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your full name
Business name *
Have you heard of Black Pound Day? *
Have you registered on the free Black Pound Day directory? *
Is your business based in Islington? *
Is your business 50% owned by someone who identifies as Black? *
What type of business do you have? *
How old are you?
Clear selection
What is your gender/sex? *
What sector does your business fall under? *
How many people work within your business? *
How long have you been trading? *
What challenges do you face as a Black business owner? Please select one answer for all that apply. *
No impact (0 - 3)
Slight impact (3 - 5)
Not sure
Some impact (5 - 7)
Massive impact (7 - 10)
Access to resources
Funding and capital
Training and education
Finding staff
Recovering post Covid-19 pandemic
Business rates
Finding mentorship
Gaining visibility online
Racism & discrimination
If there are any additional barriers or challenges that you may face, please tell us more below. Your transparency helps us to understand your local business journey. All answers are treated with sensitivity.
What business support would you find useful? *
Not helpful (0 - 3)
Some help (3 - 5)
Not sure
Very helpful (5 - 7)
Game changer (7 - 10)
Training and education
Reduced business rates
A drop-in hub
Online business workshop
A local business newsletter
Access to grants and funding
Local business promotion
Mastermind group
Pop-up shop
If there are any additional ideas or feedback that you think would help your local business community, please tell us more below. Your transparency helps us to understand your local business journey. All answers are treated with sensitivity.
How supported do you currently feel by your local council? *
Poor (0 - 3)
Fair (3 - 5)
Satisfactory (5 - 7)
Very good (7 - 8)
Excellent (8 - 10)
Level of support
Please share your reasons for your previous answer here *
How do you describe your race/ethnicity? *
For Black or Mixed other please add details here *
If you have any other comments/feedback you would like to share, please do so below.
If you have been impacted by Black Pound Day, please share details of how below.
How did you hear about this survey? *
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