Vngle-CIE Think Tank Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in the VNGLE-CIE INSTITUTfor Nonpartisan Innovation!

Vngle-CIE is research, tech, and policy think tank powered by the Vngle Grassroots News Agency and CUNY's Inclusive Economy Initiative. It unites universities, industry leaders, and grassroots experts to address global information challenges that divide communities. 

Vngle-CIE’s Mission: To help build common understanding across key topics and build infrastructure that brings verified information to all.

3 Core Areas Of Focus:
Nonpartisan Representation
Exploring ways to expand how topics are covered from all perspectives to create holistic ways to cover critical topics, overcome bias, and address gaps in information.

Information Provenance
Pioneering innovative ways to support the clarity of news and information across online and in-person mediums.

Responsible Technology & Governance
Developing responsible human-centered uses for blockchain, AI, AR/VR, and more and crafting ways to ensure these technologies stay equitable to all.

We're looking forward to having you join in on our work!

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Asking for event planning purposes. If you're interested in joining virtually just skip :)
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