Together Time: Music & Drama (Trial Class)
This is the interest form for Renew Production's FREE trial class Together Time: Music & Drama.  The class will last approx. 45min. The target dates for the trial are September 17, 18, or 19

The class is lead by Chad Parsons and Jessica Corvino who are both accredited in the fields of theatre, music, and early childhood development.  Chad and Jessica are also natives of the Lehigh Valley, both growing up in Easton and forming a friendship that began in 1998. They are finally collaborating and combining their passions to create a unique experience for you and your child. Please fill the following form out to the best of your ability.  We look forward to meeting you and your little ones! 

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the fact that this is a new class, and free trial class, we will be recording and taking professional pictures. You are more than welcome to contact the photographer if you would like to purchase a photo once they are posted. If you do not want you or your child's face in any of the advertisements, please let us know and you/your child's face will be covered with an emoji face.  

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Email *
Parent Name  *
Please tell us your child's (or children's) name and age. *
Your availability, check all that apply.  *
Please tell us a bit about your little one? Strong likes? Strong dislikes?  *
What are some of the stories you are currently reading to your child? Do you as a parent have a personal favorite? *
What music do you play for your children? (This does not have to be artists like the Wiggles, it can be, but it can also be artist like the Beatles / The 4 Tops / Earth, Wind & Fire) 
PHOTOS: Do you want an emoji face covering you or your child's face when it comes to the advertising of this class? *
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