Normandy August 2024
To book places on this event complete the appropriate boxes below and press the "Submit" button. Deposits to be paid via BACS to SCUK Bank Account Number 87033135 Sort Code 60-10-14, use your name and trip as reference.
Any issues or additional information email
If you do everything correctly you will receive an email confirming your application.
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Email *
Member's Name *
Companion's Name
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis - subject to availability and provided a deposit of £35 Per person is paid within 7 days.
1) Organisers may claim set up expenses of up to £5 per person.
2) Deposits may be refunded.
3) If you cancel after non-refundable deposits have been paid by the organiser or within 3 months of the departure date your deposit may not be refunded unless a replacement(s) can be found.
You will be responsible in due course for booking the Channel Crossing after your place has been confirmed. *
Please note if Covid-19 or other restrictions force a trip to be cancelled SCUK will not be responsible for any financial losses you may incur. Please check that your annual travel insurance provides this cover or consider purchasing a policy which protects you for this.
I agree to the terms and conditions as above. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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