Pakistan for women, by women.
A few questions to determine if you're a good fit for our Pakistan women's tour. Space is limited, so it's important to bring together the right group of women.
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Which tour are you interested in? *
What is your full name? *
What is your nationality? (Unfortunately, we cannot accept Indian nationals. However, people of Indian descent with another nationality are welcome to apply.) *
Why do you want to come to Pakistan? *
What other countries have you traveled to before, if any? *
If things don't always go according to plan... *
Are you okay with basic facilities (ex. squat toilets, bucket showers, no electricity, etc.)? *
Are you okay sharing a sleeping space with several people? (Sometimes with 5 or 6 people in traditional homestays) *
Will you be bothered if you see people drink or smoke during the tour?
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Do you have dietary restrictions? *
Do you have any questions for us?
How did you find out about this tour? (Optional)
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Do you have a discount code?
Enter it below if so
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