Misfits Music Volunteers Application
We're looking for volunteers to help us run brilliant activities in Moseley Park & Pool for our local community in Birmingham. If you need help filling in this form, or need it in a different format contact Rob on rob@misfitsmusic.org.uk.
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Email *
What is your phone number? *
What is your Full Name? *
What are you preferred pronouns? *
What is your Address? *
What is your Postcode? *
What is your date of birth? *
What type of help would you like to offer? *
Tick all that apply.
Please tell us about any disabilities or access requirements that we should be aware of?
Please tell us particularly if you would struggle to walk on uneven ground, or lift objects. We are committed to equal opportunities for all, so this will not affect your application, it just helps us to know what position to put you in!
Why would you like to volunteer with Misfits Music?
Don't feel pressured to write too much for this question, just one or two sentences would be enough! If you need help filling in this form contact Rob on rob@misfitsmusic.org.uk.
Are you looking for a reference to bolster your CV? *
Any other comments?
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