DCP Creation Questionnaire
Please answer the questions below so we can put together a DCP creation quote for you. 
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What is your name?
What is the project name?
How long is the film?

What is the resolution quality?

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What is the aspect ratio of your film?
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What audio format do you need?
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How would you like your DCP delivered? (You may select more than one option if you'd like both a physical and digital delivery)
Do you need closed captions?
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When can you deliver elements so we can start the DCP creation process?
When do you need the DCP done by?
Is this for a film festival? If so, which one?
What is the color model of your film
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Name of the company/person of color correction, and contact information?  *
Is your film in multiple languages? How many?
Is your film rated?
What region will your film be played in? (Global, USA, Europe, Southeast Asia, etc.)
Do you have a delivery Spec sheet? (We will follow up and request the spec sheet via email)
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Are you interested in using our screening room to test or screen your project? 

Our screening room seats up to 30 people, projects in 4k, and has a Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 sound system. 
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How did you find us?
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