This form is seeking expressions of interest from those who wish to be involved in a Steering Committee to oversee the 'Standardised Data on Initiatives' (STARDIT) project.
The Steering Committee will be hosted pro bono by Science for All.
The main tasks for members will be:
- Oversee the STARDIT project
- Advise on priorities and partnerships
- Oversee the
Moderation Committee and oversight policies
- Provide accountability to partner organisations that the project is working within the agreed values
The commitment will be to participate in online discussions and voting, with an estimated minimum commitment of 1-2 hours a year.
Those who express an interest will then be selected using the STARDIT Loomio group using a transparent process. Identifying information will be removed and members will be ranked based on their answers to questions.
A formal Terms of Reference will co-designed with members once membership has been agreed.
Please note, membership is voluntary, although it does not preclude individuals from entering into paid work with Science for All.
More information about STARDIT:
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