Duluth Adult Education - DAE - Step 1 Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in furthering your education with us here at DAE. We are excited to assist you on your educational endeavors! This form collects information to register you in the Duluth Adult Education program.  

After you submit this form someone from our office will contact you to give you information on Step 2 to complete your registration.  

  • Please make sure your email and phone number are correct. 
  • Please check your email and voicemail in the next few days to make sure you receive the information on how to complete your registration
  • Please note, you must have an address in Duluth, Hermantown, or Proctor to be eligible for our programs.  If you live outside of these areas, please use this link to find your nearest adult education school in Minnesota: https://hotline.mnabe.org/

If you have questions contact 218-336-8725 or dae@isd709.org. You must be a Minnesota resident living in the Duluth area to be eligible. Thank you!
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1. Which program are you interested in? *
2. If you are interested in a specific class, career pathway, or opportunity, please enter it here.  If no, skip to next question.

You can find our complete class list by clicking here.
For example:
Ability to Benefit
English Conversation Class
English Vocab for Driver's Manual
College Prep Math Essentials 1
TEAS Exam Prep
Driver's Written Exam Prep

3. Last Name *
4. First Name *
5. Middle Name
6. Nick Name/Preferred Name
7. Pronouns (she/her, he/him, they/them, etc.)
8. Street Address *
9. City, State, Zip                                                         County

Please note: You must have an address in Duluth, Hermantown, or Proctor to be eligible for our programs.
10. Primary Phone *
11. Email *
12. Date of Birth *
13. Age
14. Gender: *
15. What is your country of birth? 
16. What is your primary language? For example, English, Spanish, Swahili, Russian, Mandarin, etc.
17. Hispanic *
18. Race (Choose only one) *
19. Work Status  (Choose only one) *
20. Do you receive public assistance? (Choose only one) *
21. Highest Formal Education (Choose only one) *
22. Education Location *
23. Factors that challenge you to meet your educational or career goals  (Check all that apply)
24. Are you associated with a person or agency who assists with some or all of your needs? (Example: group home, county case manager, social worker, vocational counselor, etc.)
Clear selection
25.  If you answered "Yes" above please provide:

1. Name of the person or agency
2. Address
3. Phone number
We will ask you to sign a release of information to allow DAE to communicate with them.
26. Are you subject to a guardianship that affects your ability to enroll in educational services, enter contracts, or consent to a release of information?
Clear selection
27.  If you answered "Yes" above please provide:

1. Name of the guardian
2. Address
3. Phone number
28. Are you the caregiver/parent/guardian for a student(s) enrolled in K-12, Pre-school, or ECFE through Duluth Public Schools?
Clear selection
29. Which items below would help support you meeting your educational or career goals? (check all that apply)
30. How did you hear about our program?
Clear selection
31. Social Security Number: Providing your SSN helps us meet state and federal reporting requirements.  We do not share your SSN with anyone.
32. Tennessen Warning: Some of the information requested on this application may be private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.  Duluth Public School (DPS) is requesting this information to determine your eligibility for and enroll you in adult education, and if appropriate, coordinate support with other individuals or entities.  You are not required to provide the information requested on this application.  If you refuse to provide answers to the required questions, DPS will not be able to determine your eligibility for and enroll you in adult education. If you refuse to provide responses to questions 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, you may still be enrolled in adult education, but DPS will not know of others with whom it can coordinate support.  The information provided on this application will be accessible to DPS employees who have a work-related need to know the information, the Minnesota Department of Education, the Minnesota Department of Human Services, and St. Louis County. 

I have read this information:
Thank you for completing the Step 1 Registration information above.

Someone from the DAE office will contact you to give you more information about Step 2 to complete the registration process.

Please check your phone messages and email for information about Step 2 to complete the registration process.

For College Prep Step 2 includes an additional registration with Lake Superior College.

For Career Path Step 2 is specific to the career path you are interested in and you will get more information from us when we call.

For GED, Diploma, Core/Basic Skills, and English Language (ESL/ELL)  Step 2 includes in person registration. 
Please see your options below for completing Step 2. 
33. For GED, Diploma, Core Skills, and English Language (ESL/ELL) only:

Please indicate which option works best for you to complete in person Step 2 of registration:

You may skip this question if you are interested in College Prep or Career Path.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.  Someone from Duluth Adult Education will contact you by phone and email to give you more information and answer any questions you have.


Be sure to click the submit button below.  Thank you!

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