SAON-ROADS Phase I Proposal Evaluation
This form is intended to capture well-structured feedback from the SAON-ROADS Advisory Panel on documentation that has been submitted by groups proposing to initiate Expert Panels under Phase I of the SAON-ROADS process. The purpose of the Phase I documentation is to establish a strong case for standing up a ROADS Expert Panel under a given theme, illustrating that the Guiding Principles of the ROADS process are already being observed and that mechanisms are in place to continue to observe them through the process. 

More detail on what is expected from Expert Panels can be found in ROADS Guidance to Expert Panels. The purpose of this formative evaluation is to convey recommendations back to the proposers through 1) an assessment of their progress as it relates to the ROADS Guiding Principles and expectations of Phase I of the process and 2) to provide concrete suggestions to improve the results of Phase I work and 3) to assure readiness to proceed to Phase II of the SAON-ROADS process.
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