Measurement and Statistics
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1. Use the picture above and select all answers that are correct for Letter A *
1 point
2. Use the picture above and select all answers that are correct for Letter C. Please convert inches to centimeters for some answers. *
1 point
3.  What is wrong with dimension B? *
1 point
4.  What is wrong with dimension C? *
1 point
5.  Which side should Error E be placed to be correct? *
1 point
6. What is wrong with error H? *
1 point
7. What's wrong with error P? *
1 point
8. What's wrong with error I? *
1 point
Use this video link to help with #9.
9. Calculate each of the following measures of central tendency.  Check all that apply.                     4.1, 4.1, 4.0, 4.1, 3.9, 4.4, 3.9, 4.3, 4.0, 4.2, 4.0, 3.8 *
1 point
10. Which student was more precise? *
1 point
11. The accepted length for the credit card is 85.105.  Use the mean from Student A above and calculate the error *
1 point
12. The accepted length for the credit card is 85.105.  Use the mean from Student B above and calculate the error. *
1 point
13. Looking at the dot plot, which student’s measurement instrument do you feel is more precise? *
1 point
Use the data below to answer questions 14 and 15.
14. Use the standard deviation to make a statement about the actual length of the credit card at the 68% confidence level using Student A’s data. Give your answer in plus/minus notation *
1 point
15. Use the standard deviation to make a statement about the actual length of the credit card at the 68% confidence level using Student B’s data. Give your answer in plus/minus notation *
1 point
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