MOOC questionnaire
You have recently participated in the CRAYON's MOOC being developed as part of the CRAYON project. We would very much like to have your reactions to the classes that you have followed. Your remarks will help us to improve the materials and the project.
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Q1. Course navigation is logical. *
Q2. The instructional materials were easily accessible. *
Q3. The course attachments/links were accessible. *
Q4. The font color, size, and type used throughout the course were user friendly? *
Q5. The tasks in the course aligned with the learning goals? *
Q6. The course provided a logical procedure for submitting tasks? *
Q7. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: *
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The course textbooks were clear and well written
The course objectives were clear
The tasks were appropriate for the level of this class
The course increased my interest in the subject
The course corresponded to my expectations
Q8. Course tools guided students to become active learners *
Q9. Were the learning goals located within each module? *
Q10. What were the most frustrating technical problems that you encountered during the course? *
Q11. What surprised you about taking an online course? *
Q12. What types of changes would you like to see that would improve the learning experience *
Q13. How will you rate the communication with the tutor? *
Q14. My overall rating of the instruction in this course is: *
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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