F L O A T  Co. Membership Termination Request Form
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Dear valued member, thank you for floating with us. It is our sincere hope that your membership at F L O A T  Co. has offered you space and time to relax and rejuvenate. While we will miss having you as our member, we will always hold a place for you on your return. Your feedback on this form is extremely valuable to us, and we greatly appreciate your input.
Termination request is only available for future months and can be made after the minimum commitment of your membership. Requests need to be made at least 14 days before your next membership billing cycle date. You will receive a follow up confirmation from the F L O A T  Co. team after submitting this form. Thank you!
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
I would love to terminate from (Termination request only available for future months): *
Reason for Termination *
If you selected "Other", please specify:
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with F L O A T  Co.? *
Do you have any feedback or suggestions for improving our Service?
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