DL Advisory Team Application 2023-2025
Advisory Team Purpose:
The Distance Learning (DL) Advisory Team is a Literacy Minnesota–sponsored team designed to strengthen distance learning programming in Minnesota adult education through professional development and training, development of policies and procedures, administration of statewide DL platform licenses, approval of DL platforms and courses, and technical support for program staff.
The Distance Learning Advisory Team consists of Literacy Minnesota staff, including the Senior Manager for Educational Technology & Digital Literacy, the Educational Technology Trainer, the Statewide Distance Learning Coordinator and the Technology Administrator and Trainer; the MDE PD Specialist; DL Team consultants; and adult education practitioners with distance learning expertise. This Advisory Team will provide input to guide the state’s distance learning professional development and training efforts, provide input and feedback on policies and procedures governing distance education, advise on the purchase of statewide DL platform licenses, and participate in discussions regarding approval of platforms and courses for distance learning proxy hours. 

This application is for anyone interested in joining the DL Advisory Team as a Program Representative for a two-year term. We typically choose three Program Representatives. Program Representatives will receive a stipend of $400/year in recognition of work on the committee.

For more information including specific duties of advisory team members and required qualifications, read the DL Advisory Team program representative application instructions document.

Application due Friday, June 2, 2023. Applications will be reviewed and applicants selected no later than June 30.
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Applicant Information
First and last name *
ABE Program *
ABE Consortium (if different from program)
Role *
Phone Number *
Relevant Experience
Please briefly respond to the following questions (approximately 1 paragraph per response):
Please describe your experience working with distance and online learning in Adult Education.
Please describe your experience planning or delivering professional development and/or training activities related to distance learning or educational software.
Please describe the professional development and training activities related to distance learning and educational technology that you have participated in.
Why would you like to serve as a member of the statewide DL Advisory Team?
In the coming year, the DL Team will focus on the following areas for professional development and training. Please comment on your comfort level with one or more of these PD priorities:  
- HyFlex instruction
- Developing courses on a Learning Management System
- Using technology to improve instruction and build digital literacy skills
- Digital equity
- Teacher Verification Model
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