Your contact details: Telephone number (daytime) *
Your answer
Is your application for a group or an individual? *
Age of recipients? *
Your answer
Number of potential recipients? *
Your answer
Date of planed event? *
Grant application summary (please briefly explain how the grant is to be used -200 words max) *
Your answer
Costs (Please include a breakdown of total cost involved) *
Your answer
Other Funding (what other sources of funding have you approached?) *
Your answer
Sum requested? *
Your answer
Student/Pupil contribution? (Please indicate if there has been any student/pupil contribution made. *
Name of Headteacher/Principal or adult responsible for your organisation *
Your answer
Contact email of the above named person (*we reserve the right to contact the above named person to validate the application) *
Your answer
Contact telephone number of the above named person (*we reserve the right to contact the above named person to validate the application) *
Your answer
Today's date *
•Report to Trustees (*Please indicate that you agree to submit a Report to the Trustees should your application be successful. The form is available on the website.) *