LACCC, Inc. General Meeting Scheduling Changes
This form is being used to help the Los Angeles County Client Coalition and its nonprofit Executive Board decide our next possible meeting changes.  Many of our group members are not able to meet on Fridays anymore, including a number of our Executive Board.  These questions serve to help us decide upon future dates to best support our needs. Please feel free to return to these questions as your answers will be saved and can be edited again in the future when you include your email.
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Are you able to attend a general meeting at a new date and time on Third Tuesdays from 1PM to 3PM Pacific?
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Are you able to attend fourth Thursdays?
Are you able to attend the last Tuesday from 2 to 4pm?
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Are you able to attend last Mondays from 4:30 to 6pm? (Short meeting?)
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Are you able to attend last Fridays?
What other days & times work for you best?
(If you are also willing to identify yourself, please do so here.)
THANK YOU for participating!  Feel free to call with comments or concerns directly to 323 393 3123 (Sandra).
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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