2024 Skier Registration - Vermont U16 & EHSC Teams
Congratulations on making the Vermont U16 and/or Eastern High School Championship Team! Please fill out this form as soon as possible to help coaches plan for the trip. Submitting this registration form signifies a commitment to attend U16s and/or EHSC but payment is required by the published deadline to secure your spot on the team. Alternates are encouraged fill out this form as well and wait to pay until they are nominated.

Team payment details can be found at the bottom of the respective team pages:
- the U16s page is here
- the EHSC page is here

If you have questions, feel free to contact trip leaders:

EHSC trip leader: Kirsten Berggren (kirsten.berggren@gmail.com)
U16 trip leader: Sara Falconer (saranfalconer@gmail.com)

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Skier name: *
Gender *
Please note this is for the purposes of assigning you to the correct race.
Date of Birth: *
Championship(s) in which you have qualified to compete:
Select all that apply.
School/club *
Please write your school/club affiliation as you would like it to appear in results.
Skier email address: *
Coaches will send out important trip information and updates via email, so it is important that you provide us an email that you actually check regularly. There's another place to enter parent emails below.
Skier phone number: *
This is the number that coaches should call if, say, it's 30 minutes before the race and we haven't seen you.
Parent email address(es): *
Again, please provide an email your parents check regularly!
NENSA Number: *
All skiers must have a current NENSA membership in order to compete. If you are not yet a NENSA member please visit nensa.net to become a member.
Special dietary needs:
Anticipated uniform and jacket size (Podiumwear unisex):
This doesn't need to be perfect--we just need an idea.
Clear selection
Anticipated t-shirt size (if unisex)
Clear selection
Anticipated t-shirt size (if men's/women's specific):
Clear selection
Anything you want the coaching staff to know about roommate preferences? 
Note that coaches cannot accommodate all roommate requests, but we do strive to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy. 
What sort of cheering motivates you during races?
What's one funny, interesting, or impressive thing about yourself that you'd want the announcer to share? *
How do you pronounce your name?
(First and last.)
Is there anything else you want the coaches to know about you as a skier? (Not medical--that's next section.) Do you get freaked out and warm up badly? Do you always want more kick wax? Tell us!
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