Stronger Together: Directory Survey
Complete the below form to add your and/ or your organization's information to the first version of the Stronger Together Directory. 

Stronger Together is a series of planning events led by Philadelphia Ceasefire and supported by Diamond Edge Communication, Temple University, and Dragon Tree Media Group. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Organization *
First and last name *
Title *
Primary contact person from your organization.  *
Title *
Describe what you or your organization does.  *
Street address of your organization or business.
City *
State *
Zip code *
Best phone number to display in the directory (public use).  *
Best phone number to contact leadership (private- internal planning purposes for Stronger Together).  *
What's your preferred method of contact *
How might you categorize what you and/ or your organization does *
What community needs are you aware of regarding stopping gun violence in Philadelphia?  *
What would you like to see from future Stronger Together gatherings?  *
What are some tools or tactics that you would like to see be part of the solution for working more collaboratively together? 
Our follow-up meeting on Jan. 23 will focus on designing a tool framework that will enable us to work more collaboratively. All are welcome to participate. Please provide the name and contact information of organizations or leaders that you would like to see join. 
We are especially interested in inviting more faith leaders to join the conversation. Click the link below to add their information to the Stronger Together Faith Leader's Directory.
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