Leading With Artivism - The Body is a Battleground
Thursday, June 24, 2021 starting at 7pm.

Join us (virtually) as we talk with artivist Gerardo Castro. Castro's work illustrates marvelous glittery, unmistakably black, and emphatically brown figures elaborately costumed posing in what appears to be wallpapered interior spaces, rich in color and compositions that celebrate the visual texture of his Afro-Descendant culture, affirming that Latino identity is a means of empowerment (be it social, spiritual, political or personal).

RSVP Below and ask a question to be answered live the night of the event.

“Leading with Artivism” is a live monthly interview series, created and curated by Poet Gold in collaboration with Arts Mid-Hudson, featuring a diverse mix of Artivists (Artist Activists) who have taken up the charge through their art to highlight social issues. We invite you to ask questions and get an inside look at the hearts and minds of these courageous creatives.

Gerardo Castro was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, he grew up in the New York metropolitan area.  He obtained his MFA from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY in 1997. His work has been exhibited, in museums and galleries, nationally and internationally, including China, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Budapest, Latin America and major US cities. In his works, he uses art forms such as drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, beading, sewing, and fire.

His activism began in 1987, in New York City, as a member of ACT-UP, the international direct action advocacy group that works to impact the lives of people with AIDS. It was in this context that he decided to come out as gay. Four major events brought his activism to the forefront.  first, the high number of deaths from AIDS at the peak of the epidemic (1987-1996) second, the Vatican releasing a statement condemning homosexuality; third, the death of his brother Wilfredo from AIDS, in 1993, and fourth; the lack of inclusion of black and Latino artists in his university art history courses shaped his personal, social, psychological and artistic practice.

Castro has his studio in Newburgh, NY where he currently lives with his partner Michael Gabor. In 2008, he and Michael opened Newburgh Art Supply and in 2010, Gerardo founded Newburgh Open Studios tour, now in its eleventh year.

Poet Gold is a rare talent who grabs you by the heart and says “Recognize” – Poet, author, performer, songwriter, community “Artivist” and speaker, Bettina “Poet Gold” Wilkerson is pushing the boundaries of poetry and the spoken word. Living with a chronic illness since childhood, Poet Gold, or as she is affectionately known as “Gold”, brings a soul-searching insight about the human existence, love, dreams, challenges, and triumph. https://www.facebook.com/Poet-Gold-BGW-408311444664/

Free & Open to the Public

Questions? Contact Melissa at info@artsmidhudson.org

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QUESTION - ask a question of Taína or Poet Gold to be answered Live.
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