Swimming With A Mission Hamilton Lesson Registration
Please fill out this form for each swimmer that is planning on taking lessons with us for Winter 2024!

Our winter lessons will be up and running starting the first week of February 2024 to the end of March (7 lessons in total). The cost for our next block of lessons is tentatively $50 in total, and we will be having them at the Boys and Girls Club of Hamilton/Halton.

Our lessons are taught by certified student volunteers from McMaster, and the ratios are 1-2 instructors for every 1 swimmer. Feel free to check our website for more information about our organization, and follow our social media to stay updated on winter lesson registration. If you have any additional questions or concerns, we would be happy to chat with you more :)

The deadline for filling out this form is Wednesday, January 24th; due to limited capacity of volunteer instructors and pool time, we have limited spots which will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. This form does not guarantee a spot, and after submitting this form, you will be contacted by one of our volunteers for confirmation.

Thank you so much for your continued interest and support for SWAM Hamilton!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact hamilton.lessons@swamcanada.ca
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