Nationwide Zoom Focus Groups on Audio Streaming.  Takes place Wed June 26th or Thursday, June 27th.  Time of day depends on how you qualify.  2 Hour session and pays $125.
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Q1. What gender do you most closely identify with?


Q2. How old are you? 


Q2b. Which city / town and state do you live in? 

Q3. What is your current employment status?

Q3b. What is your job title?


Q3c. Have you ever worked in the following occupations, paid or unpaid?


Q4. It is very important to our study that we include a diverse group of participants from a diverse range of backgrounds. For this reason, can you tell us which of the following bands fits your total annual household income?  


Q5. What is the highest or current level of education you are completing/have completed?

Q6. For our research, it is important that we talk to a broad mix of people. How would you describe your race/ethnicity? 

Q8. Which of the following devices do you use or have access to?

Q9. Which of the following music streaming services and/or social media platforms do you use to stream or listen to music on your mobile device?

Q10. Which Spotify plan are you on if you use Spotify? 


Q10b/c.  In a typical week, how many hours do you spend using Spotify, if applicable?


Q11/ 11B. Which of the following music streaming services and/or social media platforms do you consider as your PRIMARY audio streaming service? Please select one.


Q11c. Is Spotify your primary or secondary streaming streaming / listening platform?



Q12. How long has Spotify been a primary / secondary streaming or listening platform? 



Q12b. If you mentioned Spotify is your primary / secondary music streaming provider. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service? Please select one answer. 


Q12c. Can you tell us your reason for feeling this way?


Q13. Which of the following best describes your use of podcasts?



Q14. Thinking about how you use music streaming services and/or social media platforms (eg. Apple Music, YouTube, Spotify, TikTok, Instagram, Soundcloud, etc.), what percentage of the time that you spend on these platforms are you doing each of the following? Time spent across all activities should total 100%

Option 1
Actively engaging in activities on a music streaming service and/or social media platforms, that involve looking directly at the app. These can include:

      Watching long-form videos eg. on YouTube

      Watching short-form videos eg. on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, IG reels

      Listening to music and reading the lyrics in the same app

      Searching for new songs or playlists

      Curating playlists in a music app

      Scrolling home page or feeds to discover new artists, creators, audio content or general content

      Sharing songs, podcasts or audiobooks with friends and family

      Researching background information about artists eg. searching for behind the scenes or interviews with music artists on YouTube, reading artists biographies on Spotify

      Following stories and posts of artists, content creators, celebrities eg. following music artists on TikTok or Instagram

Option 2
Passively engaging in activities on a music streaming service
and/or social media platforms with the app closed or in the background. These can include:

      Listening to music while you are commuting, with the app not open

      Listening to a podcast whilst working out

      Watching a video in the background whilst doing other tasks (not actively watching the video) eg. studying, doing chores, working

      Playing an audiobook on a smart speaker whilst doing chores at home

      Finding a song or playlist to listen to and then closing the app


Q14b. Which of the following, if any, do you do on music streaming services and/or social media platforms (eg. Apple music, YouTube, Spotify, TikTok, Instagram, Soundcloud, etc.) and how often? 

Multiple times a day
Once a day
2-6 days a week
Once a week
A few times a month
Less than once a month
1 Watching long-form videos eg. on YouTube
2 Watching short-form videos eg. on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, IG reels
3 Listening to music and reading the lyrics in the same app
4 Searching for new songs or playlists
5 Curating playlists in a music app
6 Scrolling home page or feeds to discover new artists, creators, audio content or general content
7 Sharing songs, podcasts or audiobooks with friends and family
8 Researching background information about artists eg. searching for behind the scenes or interviews with music artists on YouTube, reading artists biographies on Spotify
9 Following stories and posts of artists, content creators, celebrities eg. following music artists on TikTok or Instagram

Q14c. Which of the following, if any, do you do on Spotify and how often?

Multiple times a day
Once a day
2-6 days a week
Once a week
A few times a month
Less than once a month
1 Watching music videos
2 Listening to music and reading the lyrics in-app
3 Searching for new songs or playlists
4 Curating playlists in-app
5 Scrolling the home page to discover new artists or audio content (music, podcasts, etc.)
6 Sharing songs, podcasts or audiobooks with friends and family
7 Reading background information about artists eg. reading artists pages in-app
8 Watching song previews

Q15. Which of the following best describes your relationship with music?


Q14b. How do you normally find out about and discover most of your new music?


Q16. BE AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE:  What are some of your favorite feature/s, products or tools on your primary streaming services?


Q16B. BE AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE:   If you could create a feature or product for your favorite music streaming service, what would it be?

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