#SENDcareers Pledge
We are committed to recruiting, employing, inducting and developing individuals with learning difficulties and disabilities, through our organisation and our industry.

We will interview any disabled candidate who meets the essential criteria for a position.

We will utilise all resources available to us, to ensure a fair and open recruitment process and in cases where an appointment is not made, we will actively seek to give feedback and/or alternative support to ensure individuals can progress.

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#SENDcareers Pledge
I would like to be added to the Workplace Forum to discuss how we can support individuals with learning difficulties and disabilities in the workplace. *
I would like to be sent more info about #WikiSucceed and how we can use this in our organisation / industry *
#TeamADL will NOT use your information other than the purposes stated above.  We will not sell or pass on your information to any Third Parties.  We stand by our Privacy Policy.
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