Prueba III° Inglés (07-09)
Reading Comprehension and Reported Speech
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Critoph Bretez, Belgium
I would like to be a pilot in the army.  This job requires an aptitude for science and mathematics because navigation skills are important and calculations have to be made all the time, both on the ground and in the air.  But math and science are my favourite school subjects. I also like adventure an I know that when you are a pilot, you are as free as a bird. I know that it is dangerous, but if you do not take any risk in life, them when you die, you haven’t lived at all.

Sandy McCarthy, USA
I imagine myself working in an office for a few hours a day, that is, I would like to have a nine-to-five job. I know this sort of job involves doing quite a lot of paperwork, but I don’t mind. The salary won’t be high at first, but if I work hard, I may get a good pay rise. However, the real world isn’t as good as my dreams – I must study and work, before my dreams come true.

Greg Smith, Wales
I want to be a bartender, like Tom Cruise in Cock tail, and work on Bikini Island, There are many Sandy beaches, with blue skies and transparent waters. There are beautiful, suntanned bodies everywhere, and the relaxing sound of crashing waves and refreshing sea smell is just perfect to escape rat race which is our society.

Choose the alternative to complete the sentences according to the information given in the text.
Marca la alternativa para completar las oraciones de acuerdo a la información entregada en el texto
1.- To be a pilot you need to... *
2 points
2.- Chistoph is good at… *
2 points
3.- Being a pilot involves… *
2 points
4.- Working in an office involves… *
2 points
5.- Though the salary is not good, you… *
2 points
6.- Greg wants to work… *
2 points
Choose the alternative to report the following sentences correctly. USE THE INFORMATION GIVEN BELOW
7.- He was studying yesterday. He said ___________________________________________ *
2 points
8.- I have forgotten his number. She said __________________________________________ *
2 points
9.- Tim works in an office. He told me __________________________________________ *
2 points
10.- Sally is leaving today. He said Sally was leaving _______________. *
2 points
11.- Jimmy is coming next week. He said Jimmy was coming _______________. *
2 points
12.- He visited London last week. He said he had visited London _______________. *
2 points
13.- "I am waiting at the bus stop. "He told me that _______________ at the bus stop. *
2 points
14.- "We will set off tomorrow." On Friday they said __________________________________. *
2 points
15.- "He has fallen in love with Julie," Sam told me about Derek. Sam told me ______________ in love with Julie. *
2 points
16.- "I am happy". She told me that she  ______________ happy. *
2 points
17.- "I have seen that movie".He told me that he  ______________ that movie. *
2 points
18.- "Open the window!". He asked me ______________ the window. *
2 points
19.- "I am flying to India tomorrow". He told me that he ______________ tomorrow. *
2 points
According with the text, choose the correct alternative to  answer the following questions.
De acuerdo al texto, elige la alternativa correcta para responder las siguientes preguntas.
20.- What does operates as an expression of cultural identity? *
2 points
21.- Why do immigrants bring the food of their countries with them wherever they go? *
2 points
22.- Why they are continuing to make food from their culture for family meals? *
2 points
23.- What will happen if some ingredients needed to make traditional dishes may not be readily available? *
2 points
24.- What can happen with alterations to originals dishes? *
2 points
25.- What can reflect the extent to which each country or community's unique cuisine? *
2 points
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