North Texas FTC 2020-2021 qualifier waitlist form
This form is used to allow teams to waitlist for any available entry spots at 2019-2020 North Texas FIRST Tech Challenge Qualifying Tournaments.  Completing this form does not register you at any events, it simply communicates your desire to attend additional qualifiers beyond the ones you may already have.

Events will be given out in the following priority:

1. Teams that currently have no events
2. Teams having only one event
3. Teams having two events
4. All other teams

Within each priority group the available spots will be generally allocated by lottery.

We will periodically notify teams if/when spots are available for the event(s) selected.   Note that openings often appear at the "last minute" (as teams withdraw from competition) so you may want your team to be prepared to compete on short notice.

More information about qualifiers and waitlists (including registration numbers) is available at

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Contact name *
Team number(s) *
Note:  If waitlisting multiple teams, it's possible that some events will have spots for only one of them.  If you want the teams to be treated as a group -- i.e., only provide spots at events that can accommodate all of the teams -- let us know in the form comments below.
Team name(s) *
School or Organization or Affiliation
Remaining 2020-2021 qualifiers
Use the grid below to indicate events you are interested in participating at.  You will only be considered for spots at the event(s) you indicate here.  If spots become available at two or more of your chosen events we use your higher-priority choice.  We will send out email invitations to teams on the waitlists as event spots become available.
1 - highest
4 - lowest
Apr 10 - Aledo HYBRID Qualifier (Aledo, TX)
Apr 17 - Townview REMOTE Qualifier
Apr 24 - TD REMOTE Qualifier
May 1 - Hedrick May Day Mech-Madness HYBRID Qualifier (Lewisville, TX)
May 1 - May Day REMOTE Qualifier
May 8 - Crowley CTE HYBRID Qualifier (Crowley, TX)
Comments or questions on this form?
If this form wasn't able to capture your event preferences, or if you have special considerations such as multiple teams that need to travel together, let us know in the space below or send an email to .
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