IPOS Early Career Professionals in Psycho-Oncology (ECPP) Committee Survey
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback will help us understand the needs and interests of early career professionals in psycho-oncology
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Name *
Preferred pronouns *
Age *
Country  *
Profession *
Highest qualification *
Years since terminal qualification *
Years of experience in psycho-oncology *
Current role type *
Current work setting *
Current student  *
How do you define psycho-oncology? (please provide your definition) *
Can you imagine working in the field of psycho-oncology long term? *
How well do you feel supported by your supervisors/coordinator/line manager? (Scale 1-10)  *
What are current barriers that you perceive in your daily work?  *
How important would you rate the following aspects within your career planning? (Rank in order least to most important)  *
How important would you rate the following aspects within your career planning? (Rank in order least to most important) 
Qualification opportunities
How important would you rate the following aspects within your career planning? (Rank in order least to most important) 
Work-life balance
How important would you rate the following aspects within your career planning? (Rank in order least to most important) 
Combining research and practice
How important would you rate the following aspects within your career planning? (Rank in order least to most important) 
High salary
How important would you rate the following aspects within your career planning? (Rank in order least to most important) 
Reconciling family and work
Which topic are you most interested in within psycho-oncology? (Please select one or more) *
How did you hear about the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS)? *
What motivated you to join the ECPP or IPOS? (Please share your thoughts) *
What expectations do you have from the ECPP Committee? (Please share your thoughts) *
Wat kind of events would you like to attend within the ECPP? *
Are you planning on attending the IPOS 2024 Congress? *
Would you be interesting in joining a Whatsapp/contact details group for networking or meeting at events? Leave your phone number (with country code) below *
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