PastoraLab Interest Form - 2025
Hello! If you are interested in the PastoraLab program for Asian American women in ministry, please take a couple minutes to fill out this form so we can know more about you, as well as inform you if/when we will begin accepting applications.

PastoraLab is a two-year program made up of cohorts of 3-4 Asian American women in ministry, with each cohort meeting approximately once a month for the span of two years. The program includes a Biblical Studies/preaching curriculum that forms a hermeneutical foundation based on Asian American identities. PastoraLab also equips women in organizational leadership and holistic ministry, all while growing within a community of women empowering each other.  

The commitment required for this program includes:

  • Readings and assignments in preparation for each monthly meeting (~1 hr/month)
  • Attendance at monthly cohort meetings (2-½ hrs/meeting if online, 3-4 hrs/meeting if in-person)

  • Completion of online feedback form following each monthly session (5 min)

  • Attendance at an in-person retreat for all PastoraLab cohort members (Details TBD)

  • One-time Program Fee: $400 (non-refundable) for two years that covers all curriculum materials.

After the program ends, you will get a certification of completion.
To read more, please visit our website at: 

Email *
Name (First & Last) *
What is your phone number? *
How did you find out about PastoraLab? *
What church congregation do you attend?  *
What is your ministry/church leadership role? *
Where in the US are you located? (City, State, and Zip code) i.e. (Glendale, CA 91208) *
Additional comments or questions? *
If you know of others who might be interested in/benefit from participating in PastoraLab, please let us know how we can contact them to invite them! (Please provide names and emails below.) *
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