Seawolf Scholars Application
The purpose of Seawolf Scholars is to provide current/former foster youth, unaccompanied homeless youth, guardianship/kinship care youth,  with advocacy, academic support, community building, and access to resources for educational success.  A student is considered foster youth if any time since birth the student was under foster care placement as a dependent of the court or ward of the court.

If you think you are eligible and you are interested in joining the program, please complete the following application.
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Email *
Name (First & Last) *
Preferred Pronouns (ex: She/Her/Hers, They/Them)
SSU ID Number *
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) *
Cell Phone Number
Email Address *
Are you a current student or incoming student? *
If you are an incoming student, will you be a freshman or transfer student?
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If you are a current student, what year are you?
Current Major *
Please provide as much information as possible.
Please select all that apply. *
Based on what you checked above, did you need to provide any documentation to the financial aid office?
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If you were in foster care, what County were you in care?
Approximately what age did you enter and/or exit foster care? (or guaridanship care/kinship care)
Please explain why you are interested in joining Seawolf Scholars? *
Are there specific resources, services, or types of support you are hoping to receive from the program?
Is there any other information that you would like include or would like the Seawolf Scholars team to know?
Please select other programs that you want to learn about or be involved in:
What are your housing plans for the academic year? *
Are you receiving AB 12 Funding? (Extended Foster Care) *
Did you apply to or are currently enrolled in EOP (Educational Opportunity Program)? *
Please read the information below.
I understand that to complete my application to Seawolf Scholars I will need to  provide documentation related to my eligibility for the program.   Any of the following documents is acceptable; (a) copy of juvenile dependancy court document indicating foster care in the child welfare system; or (b) documentation from county social services confirmign you were under the care of the department of Social services. *
Next Steps
After submitting this application, please allow about a week for your application to be reviewed. Once your application has been reviewed, the Seawolf Scholars Team will reach out to you at the contact information provided above. The manager will then work with you to complete the rest of your application and will provide you with a secured link to upload your verification forms. 
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