In Schools Workshop Partnership Request Form
Thanks for your interest in a partnership with 826CHI! In your request, please describe how 826CHI could enhance a writing project in your school to bring a writing workshop or writing support to your students. Requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Due to high demand and limited capacity, we can only take on a few school partnerships per season. However, we encourage you to apply regardless and we'll keep you in mind for future projects. If you have any questions, please contact

Our registration approach supports our mission of expanding arts access and equity across the city of Chicago.

The 826CHI team will carefully evaluate each application and select schools that align with our priority enrollment criteria, which prioritizes schools with a high BIPOC population, low number of existing arts partnerships, as well as classes with low-proficiency English Language Learners and students from limited-income families.
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Please add to your email contacts OR email them directly to say hello! *
Her emails to you will end up in your SPAM folder if you do not do this.
What is the name of your school? *
Please list the website/social media for your school *
What is your first and last name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
What type of school / community organization are you? *
In which neighborhood (s) are you located? *
Please describe the nearest CTA bus or train line to workshop proposal site (s). *
What percentage of your school is classified as "low-income"? *
What percentage of your students identify as an English Language Learner? *
What other arts programming do you currently have at your school / center? *
Project Description *
Briefly describe how a team of 826CHI writers could support creative writing in your classroom (s) / site?
If you would like a workshop in your classroom/school, which workshop do you think your students would be most interested in?
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What dates and times would you like to have this project happen? *
How many sessions with 826CHI does your project require? *
A 'session' can range from a 50-minute class period to a 2-hour workshop session. Prior to workshops, our instructor contact you for a brief 15-20 phone call or video chat to understand your students' needs.
Approximately how many students total do you hope will benefit from 826CHI visits? We require that a minimum of 12 students participate in the proposed program. *
Have you or your students participated in other 826CHI programs or events? *
Check all that apply.
It is required that a teacher / supervisor is present in the room at all times while working with 826CHI volunteers. Who will be present in your classroom during 826CHI sessions? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share with us as it relates to the project?
Are there any accommodations for diverse learners that our instructors need to be aware of?
826CHI programs are always free. However, it's helpful to know any resources you might be able to contribute to this project.
Check all that apply:
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