Event Timing: May 10, 2025, 9AM-3PM
Event Address: 1019 Recreation Drive, Williamsburg, PA 16693
Mailing Address: PO Box 117, Williamsburg, PA 16693
Contact us: (814) 832-9443 or
williamsburgpa.craftshow@gmail.comThe 4th Annual Spring Craft Show will be held on 05/10/2025 at the Williamsburg Community Farm Show Grounds.
The event will be stretched across the Farm Show Grounds, and will be held rain or shine*, so please plan accordingly.
Each space is roughly 8x10, but the cost for each vendor will be dependent on location. The “No Roof” option is outside on the grounds. The “Under Roof” option has a limited number of spaces in the barns, which is like a pavilion – has a roof, but no walls. The “Main Building” option has a very limited number of spaces available, this is indoors, but doors will be open. Electricity may be available depending on location and demand - if you require access to electricity, please choose "Under Roof" or "Main Building" for your location and bring your own extension cords.
Vendors are responsible for bringing their own tables & chairs, but available to rent from the farm show for an additional fee.
Food & drink vendors are welcome and encouraged, but the Williamsburg Farm Show kitchen is reserving the right to be the only vendor selling hot sausage sandwiches.
*Disclaimers & Important Information:
- The Williamsburg Community Farm Show is not responsible for damage or loss to persons or property.
- Vendor spaces are reserved upon receipt of full non-refundable payment.
- Vendor fees will not be refunded in any case. ie. attendance, cancellation/reschedule due to fire, calamity, or any other act of God, public enemy, strikes, statutes, ordinances, or any legal authority or any cause beyond the control of the Williamsburg Community Farm Show Association.
- We spend a lot of time planning the layout of vendors to ensure a smooth transition and encourage traffic for all vendors, because of this vendors are asked to stay for the entirety of the show, unless prior arrangements have been made.
- Failure to contact us in advance of any cancellation may affect future participation.
Deadline to register is May 3, 2025. Late entries may be accepted but charged an additional fee. Applications are considered late if payment is received after May 3, 2025.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns: