Horizon Honors Class of 2023 Graduation Walk
Dear Horizon Honors Graduate,

We would like to cordially invite you to Horizon Honors Elementary Graduation Walk!  Please join us with your cap and gown on May 22nd!  We would like to take a moment to honor you and your achievements as you journey through our elementary and secondary ending on the field for a whole group picture. We look forward to a chance to celebrate and inspire our elementary students for their futures. Families are welcome to come and watch in the parking lot as you travel one last trip down memory lane.  Please know that every senior is welcome and even though you may not have attended our elementary school, we are so happy to have you with us to celebrate!   

                                       We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!

                                                                      Love, Mrs. K and Mrs. Wanstreet

Details for STUDENTS:
- This event is OPTIONAL but you are encouraged to attend!
- Check-in begins at 7:45 am at the flagpoles.
- All graduates will need to be at the flagpoles (in front of the gymnasium) in your cap and gown by 8:10 a.m. ready to start at 8:15 a.m.
- Wear your cap and gown over your clothing! No tassels though (we don't want you to lose them!)
- Backpacks and purses can be left in a secure area (directions to follow at check-in.)  Food and drinks are not permitted.
- After the walk is completed, a group photo will be taken on the Horizon Honors Field. You will also have a short period of time on the field to take photos with your parents and friends.
- If you have a first block class, you will need to return to class after the event is over and are responsible for any work you may have missed.
- If you do NOT have a first block class, you may check-in via the Secondary Office after the event is over and wait in the Media Center for your first class of the day to begin.  
- You are responsible for any work you miss during class!

Details for FAMILIES that may want to attend:
- Family members may watch the beginning of the grad walk and then meet up with their grad on the Horizon Honors field after the event is completed for a SHORT photo shoot on the field. You will not be permitted inside the campus.
- Family members should park and remain in the Mountain Park Church parking lot until at least 8:05 a.m. We ask that you please not add to the morning drop-off traffic by arriving early.
- Do not park in the main Horizon Honors parking lot.
- Just prior to 8:15 a.m., the Horizon Honors parking lot will be closed so parents may stand in the parking lot near the flag poles and Elementary School offices.
- Some Elementary School students will be stationed outside on the Horizon Honors sidewalks to start the Grad Walk. That will allow families to take "action" photos. Parents will not be permitted on the sidewalks and must remain standing in the parking lot.
- Once all the graduates are inside the Elementary School campus, families will walk east in the parking lot to the Horizon Honors Field. Graduates will exit the event onto the field for a group photo. You may also take your own photos during this time. However, please note the timeline for photos will be limited.
No pets are allowed (except service animals.)
Senior First Name *
Senior Last Name *
Will you be able to attend? *Please email Mrs. K. if you have specific questions or something that may prevent you from attending that you need help problem solving. *
What school year did you begin attending Horizon Honors? *
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