Dates: August 22-23

Have you been wondering what programs are provided for Muslim students on campus? Well, you've found one! The Muslim Student Life Welcome is run by our Muslim Student Life (MSL) mentors. It allows Muslim students to meet new people, receive peer advising, find resources on campus and explore their new campus and city, all before starting their first day of class! You will get to know the campus, find your classes and create a network to make you feel prepared and ready to begin your first year at Syracuse University!

If you are interested in attending MSL Welcome, please complete this form. MSL Welcome will be an in-person experience! Move-in will be on Tuesday, August 22. MSL Welcome will be from Tuesday, August 22, until Wednesday, August 23.

If you have specific questions, please email the Office of Muslim Student Life at Syracuse University at msl@syr.edu or call 856.266.8625 for further information!

We can’t wait to meet you!

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Full Name *
Syracuse University ID Number *
Syracuse Email (@syr.edu) *
Cell Phone Number (please provide the area code) *
Major *
Will you be living on campus this semester *
What are you looking forward to during this program?
If you require any accommodations including food allergies that you would like us to know about, please add them here.
Click the link below to pay Registration Fee ($50) and complete your registration:                https://mslatsu.com/donations/msl-mentoring-register-now/ *
I agree to attend all of the events throughout the MSL Mentoring Program.
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