Reporting a Student Absence
Please report student absences with this form before 9:15 AM.

LEGAL NOTICE: This form is to be filled out and submitted only by the student's parent or legal guardian. In the event that a person other than the student's parent or legal guardian fills out and submits this form, WSD36 reserves the right to take any legal action for fraudulent submission and/or take disciplinary action against any WSD36 student(s) involved. We reserve the right to call home and verify the absence as needed.

* If you are reporting a student who is arriving late or leaving early, please call our attendance hotline  at 847-446-0353 instead of completing this form.

* Required
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Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Grade/Teacher *
Starting Date of Absence (reminder - if students are arriving late or leaving early, please call our attendance hotline at 847.446.0353 instead of completing this form) *
Returning to School on:
Reason for Absence *
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This form was created inside of Winnetka School District 36. Report Abuse