Distorted Domains GM Feedback
This form is for people who run TTRPGs to give me feedback on my game Distorted Domains
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What Games do you usually run?
How do you usually prefer your game settings?
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Did you run Distorted Domains?
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Do you think the rules of Distorted Domains are well explained
What do you think of the level of crunch in Distorted Domains
Were there any rules that you felt didn't fit the game that you would change or remove?
If yes, please explain
Were there places that you felt the rules needed to be better explained or have more rules added?
If yes, please explain
Were the character creation rules well explained?
How much did you and your players like the complexity of character creation?
Did you and your players enjoy the characters that were created?
Do you have any other feedback on characters?
How do you feel about the overall vibe of the Distorted Domain settings?
Did you play in any of the sample Domains?
Did you find that the setting details and lists were overall useful?
Please explain your answer to the question above
Did you use either of these spark tables?
Do you think that the Setting and Scenario Spark Tables are useful?
Please Explain your answer to the question above
Did you use the Collaborative Domain Creation Rules?
What do you think of the Domain Creation Rules?
Is the Collaborative Domain Creation spark table useful?
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Did you have any other feedback on the setting?
Were the rules for Inspiration explained clearly
Did your players use their Inspiration
How did you find Inspiration as a GM?
Do you have any other feedback about Inspiration?
Were the advancement Rules explained Clearly?
Do you think that the amount of advancement given out was appropriate?
Did you find the advancement rules satisfying to use?
Do you have any other feedback about the Advancement system?
Was the GM advice well thought out and explained clearly?
Was the GM Advice useful for running a game?
Do you think that extended examples of play would be beneficial to helping you understand how to run the game?
Do you have any other feedback about the GM Advice?
Would you play Distorted Domains again?
Would you recommend this game to others?
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What sort of additional content would you like to see in the game?
Do you have any additional feedback about the game overall?
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