Ehducate - Study in Canada
New Student Form
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Email *
Personal Information
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Education Background
What grade are you in? *
Have you completed the IELTS test? *
What was your reading score?
What was your writing score?
What was your speaking score?
What was your listening score?
When would you like to begin studying? *
Are you willing to invest in a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $10,000 CAD (Aprox 1,250,000 PKR) offered by the Government of Canada? This sum will be returned to you over the course of 1-year. $2,000 will be returned upon your arrival in Canada and $667 will be returned every month for 1-year. *
Which colleges are you interested in? *
Are you interested in a specific program?
Do you plan to work in Canada? *
Are you interested in acquiring Canadian Citizenship? *
Are you interested in applying for a CA$500 scholarship? *
How did you hear about us? *
Do you have any questions?
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