RSVP to Marin Green Drinks - July 2024
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Join Us for a Special Food and Wine Pairing at July's Marin Green Drinks!

We are hosting a unique food and wine pairing dinner at Lotus Cuisine of India in San Rafael, celebrated for its eco-friendly approach and commitment to sustainable practices. Missy from Navarro Winery has expertly curated the wine pairings for our evening's menu.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
5:30 - 7:30 PM

Lotus Cuisine of India
812 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901

The meal options include a full wine tasting of Navarro Winery’s offerings, an entrée, rice or naan, and a glass of perfectly paired wine.

P.S. Spaces are limited, so please RSVP at your earliest convenience!

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