Compass DI Enrichment
Destination Imagination is a creative problem-solving STEAM-based experience where teams develop Challenge Solutions using ONLY their team's collective creativity, abilities, and skill sets. DI participants develop knowledge and build skills in science, technology, engineering, creative thinking, design, playwriting, acting, and teamwork.

The Compass DI Enrichment class is NOT the same as the regular DI competition. Participants will have an abridged Challenge experience, with their Solutions presentations on the last day of the session. This is a non-competitive DI experience for participants to learn more about DI and to have FUN! 

Teams of students will be given a Challenge to solve over the six weeks. This includes creating a skit and creating any necessary props and costumes using their collective skills. They may also learn new skills, including the use of hand tools, to successfully solve the Challenge. All materials to solve the Challenge will be provided.

Competitive Compass DI has been a solid presence for the past 16 years. This enrichment class will introduce participants to DI, but does not guarantee a spot in our regular DI season that begins in October.

The session dates are August 26 - October 4 (Wednesdays at WR & Thursdays at G). 

Wheat Ridge Campus
Wednesdays from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Grades 3rd-6th. Limited to 20 participants.

Golden Campus
Thursdays from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Grades 3rd-8th. Limited to 20 participants.

The fee for this class is $120.

Once registered, that fee will be uploaded into your IC Parent Portal Student Fees

Parents/guardians should plan to pick up at 4:30 PM, or notify me if your child goes to after care. 

If you have any questions, please email Erika at
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Email *
Parent/Guardian #1 Full Name  *
Parent/Guardian #1 Phone Number  *
Parent/Guardian #2 Full Name 
Parent/Guardian #2 Phone Number 
Campus  *
Student's First and Last Name *
Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions DI managers should know about?  *
Student Grade in the 2022-23 School Year *
Compass will ensure that all students are safe and careful during this activity enrichment, however, there are inherent risks to any activity after school. I understand this and I release Compass of any liability related to injury during after school enrichment. 
Please type your name to agree to the above statement.  *
I understand that the teacher offering this after school enrichment class is my direct contact for details regarding the class. 

I understand that the clinic aide is not on campus during after school enrichment, and the school clinic is closed. If my child has any specific medical needs, has allergies, asthma, etc, it's my responsibility to let the enrichment teacher know and provide additional supplies, medications, etc if needed. Please type your name below to accept and agree. 
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