Course Feedback
We would be grateful if you spare some of your precious time to share your views; and give us a chance to improve our methods for the benefit of future students.

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Information about your child
Name of the student *
Who is filling this form? *
Which course did the student register for? *
Your Feedback
Classroom setup
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
 Whenever you (parent) contacted us, was your  query resolved promptly and to your satisfaction?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
Was the child happy with the explanation given  in the class?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
 Are you satisfied with the same?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
Was the child comfortable with the frequency  of the Work sheets and the tests given?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
Was the checking process prompt enough?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
Did your child understand the difficult topics  covered in the classroom?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
Were his/ her personal doubts addressed  satisfactorily?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
How much did the child enjoy coming  to the classes?
Not enjoyed at all
Enjoyed completely
Clear selection
Has the child’s performance at the school improved after attending the course?
Definitely not improved
Definitely improved
Clear selection
Overall level of satisfaction
Based on your overall experience to date, how satisfied are you with our coaching faculty?
Not satisfied at all
Completely satisfied
Clear selection
Based on your personal experience with us, would you suggest your friends to enroll their child with us?
Definitely would not
Definitely would
Clear selection
Comments and suggestions
In your opinion, what are the most noteworthy/unique aspects of our overall service?
Also, please describe any areas where we can improve ourselves in future.
Kindly indicate if you do not object to us sharing your comments/feedback with prospective students.
Kindly indicate if you do not object to us contacting you in future, to follow up on any of your comments/feedback in more detail.
If so, kindly specify your email address for future correspondence:
Your mobile number to enable us contact you :
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