LIHM24 Feedback

Please share your LIHM24 experience to help us improve our 4th edition.

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Email *
How did you hear about us - LIHM? *
Why did you register/ participate with LIHM’24? (You may tick more than one answer) *
Did you notice our advertisements as you entered Langkawi or while going around the island? If yes, tick the relevant boxes. *
Please rate your overall REPC (Race Entry Pack Collection) experience (5 Excellent, 1 Not Satisfactory) *
Tell us what you like most about the REPC (booths/ live band/ welcome drink/ fireshow & fireworks /crew hospitality/ etc.)
Please rate your overall indoor race village facilities (inside MIEC/ LIMA hall) on race day.  (5 Excellent, 1 Not Satisfactory) *
Tell us what you like most about the Indoor Race Village (air-conditioned hall/ prayer hall/ baggage drop/ booths/ flag-off gimmicks/ etc.).
How was your experience with the route and water stations? (5 Excellent, 1 Not Satisfactory) *
Provide your feedback on the route, water stations, medical support and safety, if any.
Would you consider participating in this event again in the future?
Overall experience
How would you rate your overall experience at the event?
Please provide other feedback or comments for us to improve on next edition of LIHM25 *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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