Stay connected to the "Public-Private-Philanthropy Partnerships for People & Planet" programme - hosted by TPI & supported by WAPPP

TPI and WAPPP are collaborating on an initiative to create pathways to action for more and better transformational public private philanthropy partnerships. We are looking forward to a wide engagement in this work with today's and future transformational PPPP practitioners. Please sign up here if you want to stay connected.

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Organisation (incl. weblink) *
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Would you like to join a mailing list to receive information about future events and learning around this topic? *
Do you have a PPPP experience that you could share in a learning session? [please specify]
Do you have a PPPP experience that you could share with TPI for our research study on PPPPs?
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Would you be happy to be contacted to complete a survey as part of our research study to understand the barriers and enablers for effective PPPPs?
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Are you a funder interested in engaging in this work generally, and helping to influence the sector?
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Would you like to schedule a call with the TPI/WAPPP team to hear more about this project?
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Please share with us any other thoughts, comments and questions related to the work on PPPPs:
By submitting this survey I agree that my personal data and the answers to these questions can be processed by WAPPP and TPI in the context of building this community. The information will not be shared outside WAPPP and TPI. *
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