2019 C. O. R. E. Heart Awards Nominations

The C.O. R. E. Heart Awards is a fundraising gala honoring individuals and organizations whose service impacts the essence of the lives they reach.This extraordinary event is to recognize compassionate, outstanding, refined and exceptional individuals and organizations that contribute significantly to their communities as they lead by example to enhance the lives of people holistically.

The event will include awards being given in various categories, dinner, entertainment and more.Take a look at the categories below to determine your nomination. Complete the form below. Nominations are open from Monday, May 13, 2019 through Friday, August 9, 2019.

There is no limit on the number of nominations submitted.  Please submit a separate form for each nominee.

For a list of past winners, visit EMB Chrysalis Foundation's "C. O. R. E. Heart Awards" page - https://embchrysalisfoundation.org/programs/c-o-r-e-heart-awards/.

Heart of a Champion Award
This award is given to an individual who triumphs courageously over every challenge and circumstance as a heart disease survivor and inspires others along the way.

Healing Hearts Award
This award is given to the doctor who has exhibited excellence, integrity, care and compassion in their respective field of medicine.

Healthy Hearts Award
This award is given to an individual who promotes healthy lifestyles in the areas of nutrition and/or fitness.

Beauty of the Heart Award
This award is given to an individual who diligently gives of their time and talent to advocate healthy living and support the mission and initiatives of local and national heart health-focused organizations.

Heart of the Community Award
This award is given to an organization or organizations that through public advocacy, leadership, vision and courage, have furthered the development of social policy that’s beneficial to children and their families.

Servant’s Heart Award
This award is given to an individual or individuals who lead with passion, enthusiasm, and commitment as they serve by giving of their time, talent and resources to meet the community needs and impact the lives of humankind.
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C. O. R. E. Heart Awards
Nominator's Information
Your name *
Contact Number *
Email Address *
Nominee's Information
Nominee's Name (Individual or Organization) *
Title/Position (for individual nominees only) *
Name of Business or Organization (for individual nominees only) *
Award Selection *
In a maximum of 1500 words, please share why you have nominated this individual or organization. *
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