Submit a Seller’s Inquiry
Thanks for following up with us. This form is intended to collect information I'll be asking for as your representative to cover all our bases, find out where we have some opportunities, and ensure I know how to help you meet your goals. It also serves a dual purpose of helping you think through some of the things that go into selling a home. 

Every question in the survey is optional, if at any point you'd like to submit without completing, scroll to the bottom of your page and select the "I'm done for now" option, then submit on the next page.

I look forward to working with you!
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What is your name?
What is your phone number?
What is your preferred method of communication?
Do you have a partner you're shopping with?
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What is the relationship of you and your partner?
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What is the name(s) of your partner(s)?
Have you previously listed/sold a home?
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What is the address of the home you'd like to list?
Next Section: Motivation
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