Effects of Home Confinement on Multiple Lifestyle Behaviours During the COVID-19 Outbreak (ECLB-COVID19)
- Auswirkungen der häuslichen Isolation auf multiples Lebensstilverhalten während des COVID-19-Ausbruchs.
- Les effets du confinement à domicile sur les comportements multiples liés à nos modes de vie pendant l'épidémie de COVID-19.
 - آثار الحجر الصحي على السلوكيات ونمط الحياة أثناء تفشي وباء الكورونا المستجد كوفيد-19
-تأثیر خانه نشینی اجباری بر شیوه زندگی در زمان شیوع  ویروس کرونا
- Efectos del Confinamiento en Múltiples Hábitos de Estilo de Vida durante el brote de COVID-19.
- Efeitos do Confinamento Doméstico em Múltiplos Comportamentos de Estilo de Vida Durante o Surto de COVID-19.
- Učinki samo-izolacije zaradi COVID-19 na življenjski slog
- Effecten van sociale isolatie maatregelen op leefstijlgedrag tijdens de uitbraak van COVID-19 (ECLB-COVID19)
- Effetti delle Misure Restrittive di Isolamento sulle Abitudini e lo Stile di Vita Durante la Pandemia COVID-19 (ECLB-COVID19)
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Thank you for taking the time (14±2minutes) to complete this survey (6 pages). Your feedback will help us better understand changes in lifestyle behaviours during the COVID-19 confinement period.
Principal Investigator:
   - Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany
   -  Germany: German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases; University of Münster; Ulm University
   -  France: E-Senior; University of Toulouse; University Paris Nanterre;
      University of Paris-Est Créteil
   -  Tunisia: University of Sfax
   -  Slovenia: Science and Research Centre of Koper
   -  Portugal: University of Porto
   -  Spain: Fundesalud
   -  Italy: Genoa University; Catholic University of the Sacred Heart | UNICATT
   -  Netherland: University Twente; UMCG, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
   -  Canada: University of Waterloo; York University
   -  UK: Loughborough University
   -  USA: University of Arkansas; Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus
   -  Brazil: Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro State University  
   -  Jordan: Yarmouk University; University of Jordan
   -  Egypt: Assiut University
   -  Algeria: Djelfa University
   -  Qatar: Prof. Dr. Karim Chamari: Aspetar
   -  UAE: American University in the Emirates
   -  Iran: Imam Khomeini International University
Contact Person:
    - Prof. Dr. Anita Hoekelmann (anita.hoekelmann@ovgu.de)
    - Dr. Achraf Ammar (achraf1.ammar@ovgu.de)
    Institute of Sport Science, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
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