RL of Houma-Thibodaux Drop & Go Agreement
Please read and agree to all Consignor Drop & Go Policies & Procedures. The link to sign up for a Drop & Go time slot will be given once you complete this form. 
Email *
Email:  *
Consignor Name (as shown in your consignor dashboard on the Rhea Lana's of Houma-Thibodaux website)
Visit our Consignor Links page to learn your different options on how to pick labels up prior to the sale.

Captionless Image
Organization: *
Captionless Image
Shoes: *
Captionless Image
Non-Clothing Items: *
Captionless Image
Please type your name in the space below as a signature that you agree to the terms above. 

Once you submit your signature below, you will be given a link to secure your time slot. You must click on the link and reserve your spot in order to participate in Drop & Go.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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