A Descendant's Story: Dr. Lynn Locklear Nehemiah

A DNA test in 2017 prompted the research of family history as well as the links that the Jesuits have to slavery.

JARS Webinar 
Saturday, March 16th
10 a.m. Central
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Dr. Lynn Locklear Nehemiah
Co-chair of the Sacred Heart/White Marsh Cemetery Restoration committee and a founding member and Vice-President of the White Marsh Historical Society
About the Speaker

Dr. Lynn Locklear Nehemiah made the surprising discovery of her connection to the GU272 story after taking an ancestry DNA test in 2017. Her paternal fourth great-grandmother, Louisa Mahoney, was listed on the sale docket of the 1838 sale by the Jesuits to plantations in Louisiana. Louisa was warned of the impending danger and hid in the woods along with her aging mother and father, thus escaping the sale.  She and her children, documented as the "last of the Jesuits' slaves," remained enslaved by the Jesuits until 1864.  She has done extensive research on her family history which she is able to trace back to pre-colonial Jamestown. Lynn is also a member of the Nanticoke Indian tribe through her maternal side. 

Lynn has become passionate about genealogy and the importance of heritage and family history in strengthening identity, potential, purpose and fostering wholeness. Lynn and her husband Renaldo live in Silver Spring, Maryland on land once owned by a colonial slave holder who held one of Lynn's early ancestors in bondage. She currently serves on Loyola University Maryland’s task force for investigating the University’s ties to Slavery.

She is co-chair of the Sacred Heart/White Marsh Cemetery Restoration committee and a founding member and Vice-President of the White Marsh Historical Society. She is a retired dentist, and has a passion for God, the unity of His church, and the freedom that a relationship with Jesus makes available. She is the wife of Renaldo Nehemiah and the mother of two adult children.

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