HRDF - Managing Business Continuity and Finance During Covid-19 - Sun Advantage Resources (002929667 – H)
Date: 28 & 29 May 2020 (Thursday/Friday)
Time: 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM (28/05)
           9.30 AM - 12.30 PM, 3.00 PM - 4.00 PM (29/05)
Hours: 7 hours
Venue: Virtual Classroom
Speaker: Mr. Santhanasamy Subbiah
HRDF Claimable : Subject to approval by PSMB

COVID-19 directly affects business continuity as business operations reduce, supply chains dry up, and demand plunges. These risks may quickly lead to liquidity risks, pressure on covenants, re-financing requirements, and increasing third party risk.

It is therefore important that businesses are proactive in assessing their risk and vulnerability from both an operational and a financial standpoint. Persisting in this environment requires the business to act decisively to mitigate risks and plan for rapid and slow recovery scenarios and associated impacts on liquidity.


Focus on areas to turnaround
Re-forecast cash flows
Right-size cost structure
Take control of the crisis
Reforecast liquidity
Balance sheet resilience
Training Methodology:

The training will be conducted online, broken into two sessions with interactive discussion to maximize learning.

Who should attend?

Directors, Senior Manager
Managers & Executive
Supervisors & Clerks
Human Resource  / Finance personals
Anyone who is involved in doing

Course outline –  3 Sessions

1. Re-position
Closely monitor and reduce cost
Reassess product/service portfolio for short-term gains to strengthen the top-line
Re-forecast cash flows and model downside scenarios
Develop new growth strategies

2. Strengthen position
Assess and manage third party credit and supplier risk
Assess the ability of your own operations to meet demand and impact of lockdown

3. Turnaround
Turnaround planning
Optimize working capital
Right-size cost structure
Take control of the crisis
Reforecast liquidity, secure financing and government aid

4. Cash focus
Assess and manage third party credit and supplier risk
Reforecast your profits

Register your interest here and will send the Online link via email.

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