CCMN Bus Grant Application Form · Transportation Assistance
This grant assists with the reimbursement of transportation costs for one day of programs by one group of students at one or more member institutions of the Champaign County Museums Network. The amount of support is calculated on a sliding scale based on your estimated total transportation fees. The reimbursement will be paid once the final invoice for bus fees is submitted to the Network. Each school is limited to one grant per school year. The Champaign County Museum Network will be in touch with a response within 4 weeks of receipt of this application and sooner wherever possible. 
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Email *
Applicant Information
Applications for the Champaign County Museum Network Bus Fund come from teachers and educators representing schools. Please complete the following information about yourself as the applicant. 
Teacher/Educator Name: *
Contact Email: *
School Name and Address: *
School District Name and Number: *
Proposed Visit/Field Trip Information
In this section, the applicant will detail the proposed field trip information.
Date of Visit(s) *
CCMN Museum to be Visited  *
Program to Be Presented: *
2nd CCMN Museum to be Visited (if applicable)
Program to Be Presented:
Number of Students: *
Grade(s): *
Estimated Bus Costs: *
Would not receiving this assistance keep you from making this visit/these visits? *
By typing your full name below, you affirm that the information above is accurate and complete.  *
Thank you for your submission. 
Your submission will be reviewed by the officers of Champaign County Museum Network. A member of the network will be in touch with a response within 4 weeks of the receipt of this application. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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