Please express interest in the Green Infrastructure Challenge by filling out the form below.
Continue reading for more information about the Green Infrastructure Challenge:
Title: The Green Infrastructure Challenge In Partnership with Water Wise Gulf South and Every Drop Makes a Difference
The Challenge: Organize your neighbors (a minimum of 3) to apply for green infrastructure interventions on your block or your neighborhood!
Mechanics: A budget of $5,000 will be allocated to 7 teams to install the following types of green infrastructure to help manage stormwater where it falls!
-Rain Barrel Builds and Installations
-Tree Plantings in the Public Right of Way (between the sidewalk and the street or curb)
-Rain Gardens
-French Drains
-Stormwater Planter Boxes
-Concrete Removal if needed to install the above installation types
Two project types will be allowed:
Project Type A-- More Intensive Green Infrastructure Interventions such as rain gardens, french drains, bioswales, etc can take place within one block of each other.
Project Type B--Less Intensive Green Infrastructure Interventions such as tree plantings and rain barrel installations can take place within a 5 block radius or so.
Application Criteria:
1) Must demonstrate flooding on your block or property (photo or written evidence is allowed)
2) The team must live in or represent a census tract that has concentrated poverty of 14.3% or greater See map here: The team must have a minimum of 3 members and have representation of at least one black or indigenous person of color (BIPOC).
4) The team must complete the Water Wise Neighborhood Champions Training Courses. These include: A One and a half hour Green Infrastructure 101 Workshop, a 3 hour Green Infrastructure Tour of Sites in the City, and the 2 hour Green Infrastructure Challenge Application Session. (Total of 6.5 hours of training)
5) The team must demonstrate a commitment to the maintenance of their proposed projects. Based on these criteria, seven teams will be selected to move forward with their projects.
6) The team must be composed of residents of Orleans Parish.
There will be one team selected from City Council Districts A, B, and D and two teams selected from City Council District C (West Bank and East Bank) and District E (Lower Ninth Ward and New Orleans East)
How to Apply:
1) Express interest using this form or call or text Water Wise at 504-475-7749 to enroll.
2) You and Your team must attend the 3 mandatory trainings:
Training 1: Virtual Green Infrastructure 101 Workshop. Listen to the recording here: Passcode: W1LD0L
To be given credit for the 101 Workshop, you and your team members must complete this quick quiz after viewing the 101 Workshop: and the evaluation form: 2: Virtual Green Infrastructure Tour: Watch the recording here: be given credit for the Green Infrastructure Tour, you and your team members must complete this quick quiz after viewing the Green Infrastructure Tour: 3: Virtual Application Visioning Session: TBD and to be held on zoom!
Questions can be emailed to or texted to 504-475-7749.
A Frequently Asked Questions page can be viewed here: